The scriptures, which alone are our guides in religious matters, are above everyone and no one on earth has absolutely any right or justification to interfere with them on any account. There is absolutely no need to find fault with the scriptures or to seek to alter them. It is the disobedience of the scriptures that has brought all this evil and misery. Restore them to their rightful throne of authority and all will be well. The Lord Himself has given us His commands in the eternal Vedas. We should not disobey our scriptures. They are His breath and the fountain-head of all right knowledge. People were happy when they had right conduct, performed their religious duties with faith and followed implicitly the dictates of the scriptures; and people are not happy when they are wanting in faith and neglecting their spiritual duties. Faith with right action is the cause of happiness. Get it back and you will get back yours happiness.
Effort in violation of the Sastras leads to evil and effort in conformity with the Sastras leads to good.
The whole aim of our scriptures is to analyse our capacities or competence and prescribe the activities, which a person endowed with a paricular capacity should undertake for his maximum welfare. It is our duty to learn the scriptures and follow the commands of our Sastras implicitly.
The Vedas are beginningless. They are the revelations of God Himself. Any religion which traces its origin from a later time, any time after creation, and from any teacher other than God, is bound to be imperfect and short-lived.
Give your children the education and training our forefathers had highly valued. Make them learn their scriptures; let them perform their daily Vedic rites and attend properly to the dictates of the Dharma Sastras. Make them familiar with our rich and ancient spiritual heritage.
Ignorance by itself is certainly no sin but it is a sin when there is a duty to learn, There is no doubt that the man who knows and yet errs is a greater sinner; but there is no satisfaction, much less an excuse, for the man who prefers to continue in ignorance and in error.
If we limit our belief only to those things which can be proved, it will be impossible to do anything in this world. If a stranger standing by the road directs you, at your request, to a house you are searching for, you do not ask him to prove to you he is right. You place immediately and implicit reliance on him and go as directed by him. If then you reach the wrong house, it will be time enough to find fault with him. Similarly, you must have faith in the words of our ancient sages who proclaim the existence of God. If you follow their dictates and find at the end that they were wrong, it will be time enough to blame them, but not until then.
You need not accept what is contained in our scriptures. It does not also matter whether the scriptures are right or wrong. But surely you must admit there is no harm in trying out the commands of our scriptures. When you have nothing to lose, why hot give it a trial? It might give you the peace and happiness you are in search of.
The tendency to neglect the doctrine that Vedantic study is intended only for the competent is responsible for the confused thinking of modern days. Even for simple crafts, such as masonry or carpentry, a preliminary course of training is required before a person is allowed to handle the instruments. But in the field of Brahma-Vidya, the science of the Self, the highest and the most difficult of all sciences, everyone think himself competent and entitled to study the system of Advaita and even to sit in judgment over it. This attitude must go and must be replaced by earnest endeavor to secure first the necessary competence.
The scriptures have been written for your own good. Their aim is to guide you so that you can be free from pain and suffering, restlessness and unhappiness, and enjoy everlasting peace and bliss. By following their commands you stand only to gain and not lose. Why then do you persist in disobeying the scriptures?
Scientists have discovered that matter is nothing but a manifestation of cosmic energy. So there exists a single cosmic energy or force which is infinite in capacity and takes on the form of matter under certain conditions, Our holy scriptures also make the same assertion. But the universe is not mere matter which we can trace to atoms. You and I exist. Apart from our physical bodies which are, of course matter, there is the spark of intelligent consciousness in us which cannot come under the category of matter and that also has to be explained if a complete explanation of the universe is attempted. This universe is a vibration of consciousness and cosmic energy. It is created, sustained and dissolved in the infinite ocean of Consciousness and cosmic energy. Scientists must concern themselves with consciousness. Only through a comprehensive study of consciousness can a complete explanation of the cosmos be found.
The Vedas are divine commands. Strict performance of the duties enjoined by them is the only way of securing the grace of the Lord. It is within your competence to perform the duties proclaimed by the scriptures. Do not neglect your duties, for only by doing them can you serve the Lord. Performance of duties selflessly amounts to service to God. If we fight among ourselves without understanding the teaching of our scriptures properly, the fault lies in us and certainly not a in the scriptures.